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Therapy Options

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Deep Tissue Massage – The body is a malleable entity capable of being repatterned and adapted. The goal of deep tissue therapy is to bring a higher degree of freedom and responsiveness to the body. Injuries and postural tensions of the soft tissue can generate a restrictive, pain producing response including scar tissue, trigger points, and damage to nerve pathways. Tension and holding patterns are released through a specified method of soft tissue manipulation. This modality results in increased relaxation, enhanced mobility, and more efficient muscle metabolism. The body, mind, and emotions are interconnected. Deep tissue therapy can positively affect muscle memory, restoring the tissue, therefore the system, back to balance.

Orthopedic Massage – This technique utilizes functional assessments, myofascial release, postural analysis, myoskeletal alignment, and stretching to increase the synergy of the muscular skeletal alliance.

Prenatal Massage – During pregnancy a woman’s body goes through many changes, some of which can cause discomfort. Prenatal massage can minimize stress, promote relaxation, and help prepare the body for childbirth. It involves gentle, specific techniques for Mom and Baby. This modality assists with low back pain, swelling of hands & feet, insomnia, sciatic pain, and sinus congestion. Postpartum and infant massage are also encouraged.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage – MLD is a highly specialized, gentle massage technique that manually removes blockages from the system and promotes the natural drainage of toxins from body tissues. MLD can help reduce chronic inflammation and is very effective in pain relief.  It is a safe and effective technique that is useful for many conditions where lymph flow may be compromised such as lymphedema, sports injuries, postsurgical swelling, scars, tendonitis, Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, and skin conditions.

Myofascial Release – Myofascial Release massage is a technique involving the work of the connective tissue of the body. It can reduce pain and restore function of the muscle and nervous system. While it is a deep technique, pressure can vary. The therapist lifts, twists and stretches the connective tissue creating more space in the body. It is especially good for chronic pain and postural distortions. It is also very good for releasing scar tissue. This modality is often used in conjunction with other techniques.

Reiki – Reiki is a Japanese technique beneficial for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is facilitated by laying on of hands and is based on life force energy. When our energy is low, we are more likely to feel distressed which can lay the ground work for illness. Reiki promotes a sense of peace throughout the body, mind, and soul. It is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self improvement.