Essential Oils


Essential Oils are precious gifts of the earth that have been used for centuries for a wide range of emotional and physical applications. These natural aromatic compounds are carefully sourced and processed with integrity to ensure the composition of each drop is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG), a standard set by doTERRA far above industry guidelines. Our essential oils are approved for aromatic, topical, and internal applications. doTERRA consistently works to align with the modern medical model and has allopathic health clinics in operation. Our oils are also included among several clinical trials in medical universities across the nation. We take pride in offering only the highest quality essential oil, and our endeavors of stewardship to educate the community on using natural solutions for a healthy lifestyle.



We offer free individual health consultations, workshops, group classes, and education to support wellness goals naturally with doTERRA essential oils and natural health products.

Call Today for more information!
